Express Pd: GALORE
Express Pd Galore - The Amiga PD & Shareware CD (1994)(Express Pd)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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Text File
130 lines
There are five basic points on style suggested in the
CatComp documentation:
1.List all names in capital letters. This will make it clear they are
constants as this is the convention used in all Amiga include files.
2.Prefix each name with the string MSG_. This will make it clear to the
programmer that a given constant is in fact a string ID value.
3.Append the string _GAD to strings that are used for gadget labels.
4.Append the string _MENU to strings that are used for menu titles. For
example, MSG_EDIT_MENU.
5.Expand the path leading to a menu item when specifying strings that are
used for menu items. For example, for the Cut item in the Edit menu
would be written as MSG_EDIT_CUT.
I will NOT regard these rules (except the second) as they are limiting the
use of a string and one has to use more texts than actually needed. I admit
that for a consequent use of menu & gadget shortcuts the above mentioned
rules are absolutely necessary. But I will not use catalog defined
For my purpose, I have categorized strings in the following six categories:
Text Categories
(1) _C_ommands : Verbs or texts describing an action to be done
(2) _N_ames : Pronouns or texts describing an object
(3) _Q_estions : Questions
(4) _E_Errors : Texts that describe why an error has occured
(5) _A_djectives: Adjectives or texts that describe something
(6) _T_exts : Texts that can`t be categorized into (1)-(5)
The first character of the name of each category - seperated from the other
text by underlines (_) - will appear in each string id, indicating the
string`s category. For example, `MSG_N_Title` is the id for a string of
the category _N_ames.
EBNF of a string id
StringID = "MSG_" Category "_" Text [Appendix]
Category = "C"|"N"|"Q"|"E"|"A"|"T"
Text = {"a"|"A"|...|"z"|"Z"}
Category guidelines
(1) Command : Begin the text with a big character, end it without a
punctuation mark. E.g. "Edit" or "Copy title"
(2) Name : Begin the text with a big character, end it without a
punctuation mark. E.g. "Title" or "Spool information"
(3) Question : Begin the text with a big character, end it with a
question mark. E.g. "Delete changed project?"
(4) Error : Begin the text with a big character, end it with an
exclamation mark. E.g. "Length is too big!"
(5) Adjective : Begin the text with a small character, end it without a
punctuation mark. E.g. "small" or "verbose"
(6) Text : Choose a text you think fulfils its purpose best.
Starting translation, a head will be given (in your VideoMaxe.ct file)
that looks as follows:
## version $VER: VideoMaxe.catalog <major_version>.<minor_version> (<date>)
## language <the_language_you_think_to_conquer>
## codeset 0
<minor_version>: A two-digits-number that you can use freely to label your
different versions.
<date>: Any date string that should include the date of your <minor_version>.
You may certainly add any other texts you think are suitable in comment lines
(lines starting with a semikolon).
New translation
Use the CT-File in the "blank" directory.
An VideoMaxe.ct file has to be updated if the VideoMaxe.cd file changes.
For minor changes, I will try to do the updating myself, otherwise I will
give you an updated version of your CT-File, and you have to fill in the
new/missing strings.
Very near to the end of this text
That`s it for now.
If you really want to do a translation, better contact me first to make
sure there is no translator for that language yet. Use the CT-File
in the `blank' directory as template - you have to replace all strings
starting with a "(*) ".
See my address(es) in the documentation.
The end of this text
At this point, this text unfortunately ends.
Stephan, 26 Aug 1993